Stitch Your Name (2023) Jim Thompson Art Center
Technique /Materials : Video(15:11)

Time-consuming and repetitive tasks, such as sewing and knitting, prepare our thoughts and enable us to weave it. Since the 1970s, handicrafts have become a tool used to expose social issues including women's rights, human rights, capitalist and neoliberal oppression and environmental destruction. Betsy Greer (1975−) named the artistic practice of 'Craftivism', in which oppressed people unite in solidarity and challenge the overthrow of social structures by incorporating 'handicrafts' into their daily lives. In “Stitch Your Name”, participants embroider their ‘own name’ and discuss the story of each name while embroidering with other participants. ‘Name’ is a familiar topic for everyone, and also a symbol of attributes such as nationality, race, gender, class, and religion. The curatorial concept is informed by Intersectionality, so the importance is placed on mixing with people of different nationalities and genders. Individual stories come and go on the table, then it becomes possible to imagine the social and political issues behind each one and also leading into meaningful empowerment.